Stefan Schröder
Ph.D. in Geosciences, 2000, University of Bern, Switzerland: Research in sedimentology and diagenesis of Neoproterozoic dolomite hydrocarbon reservoirs of Oman; evaporite sedimentology; isotope geochemistry

M.S. in Geosciences, 1997, University of Würzburg, Germany: Research in carbonate sedimentology (Jurassic of Spain) and neotectonics (NW-Italy)

B.S. in Geosciences, 1994, University of Brest, France

B.S. in Geosciences, 1992, University of Würzburg, Germany

Research Interests:
Carbonate and evaporite sedimentology; sequence stratigraphy; microbial carbonates; sedimentary geochemical archives; diagenesis

Current Research Projects:
Paleoceanography and geochemical anomalies at the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary in Oman
Evolution of microbial reefs in Namibia and Oman - relationship to carbonate platform evolution and environmental changes
Digital mapping of Neoproterozoic carbonates in Namibia