All images from this web site are delivered as digital files in standard file formats. Canon-Nikon-Toyo digital or film cameras and Canon film scanner (up to 4800 ppi resolution) are used to produce the digital files. Our typical file size is 40-60 megabytes, although for shots on 4" x 5" film, file sizes can be hundreds of megabytes if necessary. Call us for pricing and delivery methods.
Robert S. Hildebrand operates earthshots, inc. to provide high-quality, original photography for professional publishing and other markets, including editorial journalism, industry, commercial business, and advertising. These unique images are not royalty free, and are not available through third parties, such as picture agencies or clip art collections.

Any use, commercial or otherwise, of the content published on this web site is prohibited unless a copyright license is first obtained. earthshots creative works may not be downloaded, except by the normal browser viewing process, or copied to another web site or computer, or transmitted to display, project, reproduce, publish, broadcast, resell, store electronically, manipulate, or alter in any way, including without limitation, any synthesizing of images, alone or with other material, by use of a computer or any other method now or hereafter known.